A Groundbreaking Enterprise Cyber Security Solution

Shadow detect is a ground-breaking, worlds first cyber security solution that has been developed to protect against the expanding threat landscape, and the challenges, enterprises face in the face of hybrid and remote working

Designed and developed in the UK by technologists and cyber security experts who identified the challenges that businesses would face and how the home network / office would become a huge attack vector that cybercriminals would look to exploit.



Shadow Detect Enables Enterprises To Obtain Visibility Of Consumer Owned Devices Connected To Their Employees Home Networks.



Understand Vulnerabilities From Employee Owned Devices And The Risks They Present To The Corporate Network, Such As Pivoting Attacks.



Receive Remediation Advice And Guidance On How To Mitigate The Risks Associated From This New Attack Surface.

The modern CISO needs to focus on the expanding attack surface created by digital transformation and home working initiatives.
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Deploying Shadow Detect

Shadow Detect’s unique and world-first technology allows organisations to ensure that they are able to enable their employees to work from home, but do so securely!

Simply deploy Shadow Detect into the home network and almost instantaneously, your business will be able to get full visibility of the devices that are connected to the network, allowing you to make data-driven decisions as to how you enable home working, without impeaching your employee’s data privacy as Shadow

cyber security remote work
cyber security professional services
data privacy solution

Vulnerability Threat
Assessment Tool

Shadow Detect has also developed a unique threat vulnerability assessment tool (TVA), that allows organisations to clearly identify, manage and monitor all employee’s remote devices.

Shadow Detects TPA will score each device with a threat level that allows the organisation to clearly see and categorise the devices that present the most risk to the organisation, as well as use this as a great asset management tool.

Deploying Shadow Detect, allows organisations to take the same approach to cyber security that they have taken for many years within on-premise environments, data centres and more recently cloud environments and deploy this next-generation cyber security to their remote working environment.

Latest Cyber NEWS

Mobile Device Vulnerabilities

Cryptographic Vulnerabilities

Yahoo: Cyber Attack

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